• الموقع : المجلس الإسلامي العربي .
        • القسم الرئيسي : لغات أخرى .
              • القسم الفرعي : English .
                    • الموضوع : ( A Knowledge of the Islamic Moralities ) By: Sayyed Mohamad Ali El- Husseini .

( A Knowledge of the Islamic Moralities ) By: Sayyed Mohamad Ali El- Husseini

( A Knowledge of the Islamic Moralities  )
By: Sayyed Mohamad  Ali El- Husseini

In the Name of Allah the Beneficent , the Merciful .
We get help from Him (Allah) upon the evil of ourselves and the creatures which He created  , and the praise and the peace upon our Prophet Muhammad Bin Abdullah (P.b.h), the Prophet of mercy and humanity, who is described  by the Lord of the worlds - he has great ethics  – and peace be upon his infallible family –

Ethic : is a common human matter which all people share regardless of dissimilarity of their religions , multilingualism , and the remoteness of placers where they live . 
The human beings used to live in communities which include relatives and strangers , male and female , young and adult , educated and ignorant , employed and unemployed.
So the human need  all of those people and the sociability  forces him  to deal with them , so ethics was the mean that is used to deal with the others, and the others use to deal with you , according to the base : ( Treat others the way you like to be treated ) or ( As you condemn others , others are going to condemn you ) . So that the human is still in need for ethics which straighten his behavior , purify his thoughts , and keep him away from error starting points , and to create  a human who rises gradually on the stairs of perfection , and to create fair cooperative community to protect life from injustice and corruption.
And that what is called (ethics) which is divided into two parts : Practical and Theoretical ethics. Lying , treason , envy , hypocrisy , self-conceit, spite , and  backbiting should be given up . On the other hand the human being should  be endowed with : Trueness , trust, and blessedness and other ethics that man should get to know  , and that what is known " theoretical ethics" , then he should translate them into " the practical ethics " when he deals with his family , friends , and neighbors, in his real life.
When we reflect, we find that prophets are the most people who are characterized by ethics , especially the Holy Prophet Muhammad (p.b.h ) , since one of his mission’s reasons is to perfect the nobility of morals , as the Prophet (p.b.h )  himself claimed. He was known before his mission as the True , the Faithful ; for his truthfulness in his saying and his acting , that is why Allah the Almighty praised him in His glorious Book :(And surly you conform (Yourself )  to sublime morality) [1]
So , ethics have great significance , and it is one of the prophets qualities , as well as other people , but the best and the optimum is known after the mission of best of creatures ; our Prophet Muhammad (p.b.h ) .
This book which is known (A Knowledge of the Islamic Moralities  ) is the fourth part of ( The Series of  Muslim’s Knowledge ) to make people know the ethics of slam , particularly Muslims people. Everybody should know and be characterized with these ethics, especially in the present time when many people have turned into animals , and when the injustice and aggression have spread, and security and peace have vanished , and the picture of Islam has been deformed by some people who  originated a heresy , distorted , and spoiled in the name of Islam , and Islam is innocent of them. Islam is the religion of ethics , peace , love , and humanity. Islam is a religion that cure the moral disease, and directs the human beings to the paradise . We ask Allah the Great the Merciful to help us to explain the Islamic ethics through out this little book , to be an introduction for those who want to know the Islamic ethics. I ask Allah to accept this work , and I beg  believers to pray for me , and  praise be to Allah , the Lord of worlds.
Mohamad Ali El- Husseini
El Husseini publications




  • المصدر : http://www.arabicmajlis.com/subject.php?id=1744
  • تاريخ إضافة الموضوع : 2017 / 03 / 28
  • تاريخ الطباعة : 2025 / 02 / 7